Tag Archives: dancing with the stars

People That Annoy Me: Voters of Bristol Palin on DWTS

I have to take this time to blog about something that I feel passionately about. First off, let it be known that neither myself nor Jackie is a hardcore watcher of “Dancing with the Stars.” She votes for the people she likes (Audrina from “The Hills”) and every once and a while we check the scores.

Let me just say that this show upsets me for many different reasons. One, Bristol “My-face-doesn’t-show-emotion” Palin is not, and has never been, a “star.” On top of that, she lacks dancing skill and is consistently the dancer with a low, if not the lowest, score. She wore a freakin’ monkey suit in her dance, yet she remains in the competition. Audrina had the second highest score before being eliminated. Rick Fox this week had his highest score yet and was sent home, while Palin was in the bottom for what felt like the 100th straight week.

But why? Enter the ‘DWTS’ voter.

It is hard to fathom how many people vote for Palin every week in order to save her from elimination. You see, elimination is based on a combination of judges’ scores and total votes. She must have a fan base of hundreds of millions voting for her in order for others to go home. Which leads me to worry, because there are more people than I can count believing that she is good and deserves to stay on the show, despite her saying publicly she doesn’t try her best and doesn’t want to be there.

These people scare me more than they annoy me when it comes down to it. They are obviously the majority and if they think this way about THIS election, which is so obviously a case of flawed judgment, who knows WHAT they will think is a good idea to vote for. What about animal husbandry? (Which, I have found, is less controversial than it sounds)

It is clear that Bristol has some sort of spell on vulnerable people. She can’t dance, yet gets on a dancing show. She can’t act, but gets casted on the popular show “Secret Life of the American Teenager” for a bit part. Maybe she’ll show up on “Hell’s Kitchen” next season.

Is this what America is coming to? A stupid nation watching people that claim to not want to be in the media willingly parade around on television? A nation of people voting for TV competitions but not in political elections? At this rate, the final could be between Palin (who has done nothing to be remotely considered a star) and Kyle Massey (that one kid you’ve never heard of who was on “That’s So Raven” and the other Disney Channel show nobody watched).

People seem to want the most qualified and “best person” to win real elections. I guess in practice they only vote for quite the opposite.


Filed under People That Annoy Me